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November 1-3 - AT TI's MSP430 Advanced Technical Conference

Pumpkin's president Dr. Andrew E. Kalman will present one of the courses at this year's MSP430 Advanced Technical Conference in Dallas, Texas. Entitled "Hardware and Software Design of an RTOS-Based MSP430-Based Picosatellite", the presentation can be downloaded in PDF and PPT formats.

October 30 - New Libraries for MPLAB-C18 v3

Microchip's new MPLAB-C18 v3 compiler requires an object file format different from that generated by the earlier versions of MPLAB-C18. MPLINK v4 and above is also required.

Salvo users can download new Salvo libraries for MPLAB-C18 v3 from the download area.

August 24 - uIP ported to PIC18 with Salvo RTOS

Salvo user Engin Karabulut has ported Adam Dunkel's open-source uIP TCP/IP stack to the PIC18F452, using the Salvo RTOS and the HI-TECH PICC18 C compiler.

You can download the uIP port here.

July 7 - New Salvo Reseller Added in Asia

Testech Electronics has become a Salvo reseller for the countries of China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand and Singapore.

May 26 - How to get High ISR Performance in Salvo Applications

Some programmers may be unaware of how to take advantage of Salvo's configurability to maximize ISR performance.

A new Pumpkin presentation entitled "Managing High-Rate Interrupts in Multitasking Applications on Low-Cost Embedded Systems" explains the basic ideas behind fine-grained interrupt control to reduce and/or eliminate interrupt latency in multitasking applications.

March 29 - Atmel AT91SAM7S (ARM7) Now Supported

We've added an example project for use with Keil's CARM compiler and the popular Atmel AT91SAM7S-EK evaluation / demo board.

As is to be expected, the Salvo footprint on ARM7 is tiny!

March 6-10 - Come See Us at ESC 2005 West

We'll be at the Embedded Systems Conference 2005 in San Francisco.

Come by booth 411 (HI-TECH Software) to see how Salvo can simplify your embedded designs.

March 2 - Russian Translation of Salvo Tutorial Online


Dr.-Ing. Michael G. Gordon has very kindly translated the tutorial chapter of the Salvo User Manual into Russian.

February 25 - Bits&Chips Article on Salvo

The Dutch on-line news magazine Bits&Chips has published an article on Salvo and its history.

A PDF formatted version is available here.

January 16 - Updated Libraries for HI-TECH's PICC-18

HI-TECH PICC-18 v8.35PL3 now has a range-checking feature to ensure that persistent variables are not located across a PIC18 RAM bank boundary.

Previously, Salvo libraries for the PIC18 were built with the persistent attribute applied to all of Salvo's global objects. Salvo applications with large numbers of tasks and events will trigger the range-checking feature in v8.35PL3 if large numbers of tasks and events are present and if Salvo's default settings are used.

New Salvo Lite, LE and Pro libraries for PICC-18 are now available for download on our website for Salvo applications built with Salvo libraries.

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