aek 2010-09-25 salvo-lite|le|pro-dspic-4.2.2-rc6.exe: * Large-memory libraries in -rc5 were built incorrectly, leading to runtime problems. Therefore rebuilt all libraries. Source code unaffected. *** aek 2010-01-29 salvo-lite|le|pro-dspic-4.2.2-rc5.exe: * Folded support for small and large memory models into complete distribution. * Libraries now specify which models they were build with. * Updated libraries with new library nomenclature. * Updated salvoportmcc30.h. * Updated salvoprotmcc30-sm.s & salvoportmcc30-lm.s. * Updated RM-MCC30.PDF * OS_Replace() now working with update to OSReturn() in salvoportmcc30-*.s * Updated makefiles. *** aek 2009-11-19 salvoportmcc30-lm.[s,h]: * Corrected an issue that caused problems with tasks near the low/high memory boundary. *** salvoportmcc30-lm.[s,h]: * Replacement context-switcher and header file for use with large model and MPLAB C30 compiler. Customers should copy their existing salvoportmcc30.* files to salvoportmcc30-sm.*. Next place these two files in \Pumpkin\Salvo\Src\MCC30\salvoportmcc30-lm.s and \Pumpkin\Salvo\Inc\MCC30\salvoportmcc30-lm.h. Then, when building with the small memory model, copy the -sm.* files to .*; and when building with the large memory model, copy -lm.* to .*. Unfortunately MPLAB C30 does not emit a symbol to indicate which memory model is being built for. A future Salvo release will integrate these different files more cleanly. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-dspic-4.2.2-rc2.exe: * Update to 4.2.2. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-dspic-4.2.0-rc0.exe: * Now includes libraries for v2 and v3 of MPLAB C30 compiler. * Update to 4.2.0. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-dspic-4.0.2-rc1.exe: * Fixes a problem when OSCOMBINE_EVENT_SERVICES is TRUE and OSENABLE_FAST_SIGNALING is TRUE. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-dspic-4.0.0-rc46 reorganizes the example projects in the newer scheme and fixes a bug that prevented 4-byte delays from being configured properly in Salvo Pro source-code builds. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-dspic-4.0.0-rc9 added auto-detection of dsPIC30/dsPIC33 targets for those customers who have not yet upgraded their MPLAB C30 installations to support the PIC24. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-dspic-4.0.0-rc8 was the first release. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-dspic-4.0.0.exe is the main installer. Run it first.