aek 2008-06-05 *** salvo-lite|le|pro-avr-4.2.2-rc3.exe: * Initial support for IAR Embedded Workbench for AVR. Includes sources and libraries and reference manual but no examples. IAR portions not fully tested. * Updated context switchers for all three compilers to avoid issues with Salvo services called from ISRs. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-avr-4.2.2-rc2.exe: * Update to 4.2.2. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-avr-4.2.0-rc0.exe: * Update to 4.2.0. * Added Salvo tiny libraries to all distributions (will be removed from Lite once Salvo tiny for AVR & ICCAVR is released). *** salvo-lite|le|pro-avr-4.1.2-rc5.exe: * Updated documents (RM-GCCAVR.PDF) *** salvo-lite|le|pro-avr-4.1.2-rc4.exe: * Added libraries for AVR-GCC and 256KB parts (e.g. ATmega2560). * Added sample projects for WinAVR & ATmea2560. * Reference Manual for AVR-GCC + Salvo is not yet up-to-date. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-avr-4.1.2-rc3.exe: * Changed pathnames in Example directory to remove ' ' (space) characters -- incompatible with WinAVR. * Updated all ICCV7AVR & WinAVR projects. * This release does not yet contain libraries for '256K-type AVRs and the WinAVR toolset. Users can build for the '256K parts via Salvo Pro source-code builds and salvoportgccavr256.S. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-avr-4.1.2-rc2.exe: * Added AVR-GCC files back into installer. Still missing some example files. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-avr-4.1.2-rc0.exe: * First release of Salvo 4 for AVR. Includes full support for all AVR and megaAVRs (including ATmega2560/2561) for use with ImageCraft ICC AVR v7 and AVR Studio.