IMPORTANT NOTE: Always uninstall and remove the Salvo installation in Pumpkin\Salvo prior to installing Salvo 4. Failure to do so may result in newer files from the installer not being installed properly. aek 2007-09-14 *** salvo-lite|le|pro-arm-4.0.2-rc1.exe: * Fixes a problem when OSCOMBINE_EVENT_SERVICES is TRUE and OSENABLE_FAST_SIGNALING is TRUE. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-arm-4.0.1-rc1.exe: * Fixes a problem involving union u3 and libraries. * Changes the calling convention, return codes and error checking for OStID() and OSeID(). These functions are now runtime capable, even in library builds. * Changes the function prototype for OSMakeStr(). * Adds a functinal OSDestroyTask() that can destroy tasks in any state. * IAR: Fixes OS_Replace(). Also, Compiler reference manual RM-IARARM.PDF is now available online. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-arm-4.0.0-rc50.exe supports the following tools and targets: ARM RealView Tools: ARM7TDMI & Cortex-M3 GCC-ARM: Cortex-M3 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM: ARM7TDMI -rc50 is the first release to support big-endian targets, with the IAR compiler. *** salvo-lite|le|pro-arm-4.0.0-rc34.exe adds support for all ARM7TDMI cores, in both Thumb and ARM mode. It includes an example for the Atmel AT91SAM7S-EK evalutation board. Until a Getting Started Guide is issued for Salvo on ARM7, please use the Getting Started Guides for Salvo on the Stellaris as a guide for configuring your own projects. This installer fully supports Stellaris as well.