Downloads: Salvo Lite

Please take a moment to provide the information requested below before downloading Salvo Lite.

My e-mail:

I found Salvo:
I want Salvo Lite:

Please email me Salvo news and other product information.


Please have a Salvo reseller contact me.


The remaining fields are optional and are listed in grey. They are used primarily to aid Pumpkin and its resellers in contacting you. You may provide as little or as much information as you like. If you have chosen to have a Salvo reseller contact you and there's a Salvo reseller in your country, your contact information information will be sent to them.

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
  I am interested in using one or more compilers from the following companies to build Salvo applications:
Archelon/Quadravox avr-gcc HI-TECH
IAR ImageCraft Keil
Microchip Rowley Associates TI
Additional Comments:
  By downloading Salvo Lite you agree to the terms of the Salvo License Agreement. The text of the Agreement is included in every Salvo installation and can be viewed from within the installer and after Salvo has been installed.
If you have difficulties with this form please contact