limited ROM and RAM, Salvo™ is the solution for harnessing the power, speed and flexibility of an RTOS in low-cost embedded designs.




As the first full-featured RTOS capable of running on Microchip PICs and other microcontrollers with aaaaa       aaa



• Designed to run on processors with severely limited RAM (e.g. < 250 bytes)


• No PUSH/POP stack or stack pointer required


• Works within a hardware call...return stack of 8 levels or less (4 is typical)


• Extremely small RAM and ROM footprints


• Cooperative, event-driven, priority-based multitasking


• 16 separate dynamic task priority levels


• Number of tasks and events limited only by available memory


• Intertask communications and synchronization


• ISR-to-task communications and resource sharing


• Event support includes semaphores, messages and message queues

• Fast context switching


• Low interrupt latency


• Requires only a single interrupt to support optional time-based services (e.g. delays, waiting with timeouts and elapsed time)


• Task delays can be specified in 8-, 16- or 32-bit system ticks, with optional linear prescalar for system timer routine


• Tasks at equal priorities will round-robin


• Highly configurable via C preprocessor to fit your application


• Full source code included


• ROMable and extensible


• Portable – written almost entirely in C, with minimal compiler- and target-specific assembly coding.


• Very easy to use – employs standardized multitasking methods and terminology


•  Fully supports Microchip PIC12-, PIC16-, PIC17- and PIC18-family PICmicro MCUs. Supported compilers and their targets include HI-TECH PIC C (PIC), Metrowerks CodeWarrior (x86) and Mix PowerC (x86). Support for additional processor families and compilers is ongoing.


•  A full-featured Microchip PIC16C77 demonstration program consisting of 8 concurrent tasks with delays, waiting with timeouts for events, a predefined idle task, 5 counting semaphores and run-time statistics (number of context switches, etc.) was created in under 1 hour. Kernel memory usage for this particular application: 86 bytes of RAM and approximately 1K instructions in ROM. Simpler applications may require substantially less RAM and ROM.



750 Naples Street • San Francisco, CA 94112

415-584-6360 • 415-585-7948 fax